
Educating scholars since 1440
St Andrew's Day 2024

Wall Game 2024

The pre-match build-up had seen both teams claiming supremacy, but in the end it was the players of the College Wall who stood up best to the muscular efforts of the Oppidans to dislodge them. With plenty of open play and more sightings of the actual ball than is often the case on St Andrew's Day, this was a proud victory for the ages.  

The College Wall 2024

Images of the College Wall and supporters. Click on the image for full gallery. Usual 9-letter College password.

The Oppidan Wall 2024

Images of the Oppidans and their supporters. 12-letter password is the battle cry of the Oppidans, with the 1st, 5th and 9th letters capitalised.

College Wall dinner 2024

A private gallery, intended for attendees, and their parents. Please contact the Master-in-College for password. 

Michaelmas 2024
Click on images to see the full gallery
JUnior TIES Football

Down to the Wire

This is a strong team, who always play with flair and commitment. Today they looked as convincing as ever, and scored a couple of excellent goals. Somehow, however, HWTA (Godolphin) rallied to level things in the second half. At 2-2, a thrilling match went to penalties, and - agonisingly - College were edged out at the last gasp. 

College Lunch

Lunch in the grand setting of College Hall is always a convivial occasion; a chance to catch-up with friends, and to relax and re-fuel after the morning's Divs. 



Gowning Ceremony

Following a centuries-old tradition, the new Provost swore in the new Collegers at the start of the Half, exhorting them in Latin to dedicate themselves to their studies and to the life of the school.

Football Friendlies

A promising start on College Field suggests that this year's F-block Collegers will have plenty to bring to the Junior Leagues party - not to mention House Ties - as the football season progresses.

Group Photos

A special gallery of College group and team photos, available only in the form of high-quality prints on Fuji professional photo paper. 

Summer Half
Scenes from the end of the College year
Piano closeup.jpg

Senior House Concert

An exceptional feast of musical delights -  especially considering how much else these boys have lately had on their plates. C-block opened proceedings with a fine 10-piece ensemble, while the House Shout supplied a rousing finale in the shape of Queen's Don't Stop Me Now. In between came Bach, Dvorák, Chopin and Saint-Saëns, with especially fine piano performances from Jack van den Heuvel (Goldberg Variations) and Jonathan Zhao (Chopin Scherzo no. 2). 

B-block, valete
The end of an era for this multi-faceted, multi-talented group

Fourth of June 2024

The mixed weather failed to dampen spirits in the very convivial College marquee, where B-block were enjoying their very last Fourth of June at the start of their final week at Eton. 


Leavers' Lunch

At 1pm precisely (well, or thereabouts), B-block (well, most of them) took to the gallery for one last time, to sing Rex Henricus for their families at the start of their final meal in College Hall. After a sumptuous buffet lunch, speeches followed, and - with the orchestral rehearsal looming - a hurried group photo in which almost everyone present managed both not to blink and to smile at the same time. 

Lent Half

Senior Field Game

Not a victory against EJNR, perhaps, but an extremely spirited performance against stiff opposition, with some fine individual performances and tireless and united work from the College bully. Please click on the image to view the full photo gallery. Password is unchanged from Michaelmas Half (see below).

Michaelmas Half

The current password for these galleries (for College boys and parents only) is the name of a fallenCollege hero, and the subject of the Captain of School's toast during Sock Supper, with initial caps and no spaces. Please address the Master-in-College if you are stuck.

Sock Supper 2023

The annual Founder's Feast, celebrated in style in College Hall.

Wall Game 2023

An epic match against a mighty Oppidan onslaught, in which a brave College team somehow managed to salvage a heroic draw.

The World of College

Under construction

The answers to your questions
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Phone: 07482 663463

Address: The Timbralls, Eton College. SL4 6HB.
I have been trying to order some photographs, but have hit a technical snag.
There are thousands of photos on this site, and it can become clunky. If you are ordering more than one or two photos, you may find it simplest to order them from me directly at [email protected]. Keep a note of the image numbers you want, and I will do everything I can to help.
I don't know which print format/aspect ratio to choose for the various photos I have selected.
Please make a note of the i.d. numbers of the images you would like, and let me know by email at [email protected]

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I want to order really quite a lot of photos, but this feels horribly expensive. What can you suggest?
Please contact me to discuss what you require, and I will do what I can to arrive at a price that suits both of us.
How do I order a package of photos from two different galleries? The website doesn't seem to let me.
Yes, this is frustrating. The best way to do it is to contact me directly, and let me know exactly which images you are after. I will create a package for you.

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