From p.32 of the Eton Glossary by C.R.Stone, 4th edition (1909):
Sock-supper A banquet sometimes given by a master to his House to celebrate some special success.
The Eton Glossary does not specifically mention the inflation and release of copious whining inflatables, whizzing and fizzing all over College Hall, nor the projection of video compilations of College memes, but this was very much a vintage feast in the grand tradition, with eloquent speeches from the Master-in-College and the Captain of School, and an ebullient sense of fellowship, escapism and good, old-fashioned fun.
The password for this gallery of 86 images is the same as the one for the College Wall Game gallery. It is also the name (without spaces, and with initial caps) of the fallen College hero whom the Captain of School toasted during Sock Supper. If in doubt, please check with Dr Day. Please contact Michael Wright, at [email protected] or on 07482 663463 if you have any difficulty accessing or ordering these images.