

Junior Leagues Football 2024

The Cake competition is now in full swing, and it feels good to be scoring some goals and earning some well-deserved victories after one or two bruising encounters with top-tier teams in the opening games. 

Victory over IRS

The WING junior leagues football team really got into their stride this week with a high-energy win over IRS.The end-to-end action was dominated at one end by the secure hands of Michael, our cool-headed goalie, and at the other by the blistering attacks of Samuel and George.


A Goal at the Finish

A painful encounter, dominated by the skilful players of PEPW, but ending with a wonderful strike from James which at least put the spirited WING players on to a scoresheet which - until then - had been filled only with opposition goals. 

SPORT 2023-2024

Junior Field Game

The WING team is fast becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Junior Shield, with a decisive victory here against a well-coached team who simply had no answer to our surprise attacks. 





Senior House Ties Campaign

Three epic matches en route to the final of the Plate competition; a great campaign from one of the Timbralls' strongest teams of recent years.

Senior Ties vs JNO

A spirited defeat against very strong opposition, with a number of courageous individual performances (including our flag-bearers). Hani and Seb impressed in midfield, as did the Tan brothers in defence. Onwards and upwards!

Senior Ties 2-1 Victory

A fine performance to start the Senior Ties campaign, this 2-1 victory gave everyone at The Timbralls plenty to smile about, including a couple of stunning goals. Perhaps most pleasingly of all, the magnificent WING barmy army easily won the virtual trophy for most rousing (and amusing) crowd support.

Senior Ties Friendly

The seniors began their bid for Ties glory with a walloping 6-0 victory over a convincing ABH side who didn't simply roll over, despite having been 5-0 down at half-time. Some decent goals came from Chin and Hani, along with a superb volley from Henry. There appears to be strength in depth in the WING ranks this year, and significant ambition, too.


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