Junior and Senior successs
A superb run from the juniors, led by Anthony and Harry, took them to the semi-final of the main competition. The seniors were slower to find their competitive edge, but still managed to battle their way grittily to the final of the Consolation tournament. Impressive all round.
Hi there!
Bicycle kicks that result in accurate goal-scoring chances are rare. So Seb M's wonder-strike, during the triumphant victory over RCH has gone down in house folklore, even though their pesky (ie. skilful) keeper managed to save it. Tragically, I missed the upside-down kick, so this photo - taken a split-second later - is meagre evidence of Seb's moment of magic.
So near, yet so far
An intense and hotly-contested final culminated in heartbreak for the boys in mauve. This was a hard game to win, but an even tougher one to lose. The Timbralls had been leading for most of the second half when - in the dying minutes - the opposition somehow found an extra gear and, with it, two superbly crisp and unstoppable goals. This has been a memorable campaign, nonetheless, and the team's fighting spirit has cheered and inspired the whole house.
A mighty victory
A tough, ding-dong match against a very strong RCH led, finally and almost miraculously, to a Timbralls win, thanks to two excellent goals from this hyper-motivated team, buoyed up by the WING barmy army who provide crowd support and enthusiasm par excellence.
Michaelmas 2023
A great start to the E- and F-block campaign for immortal glory began with a hard-fought, ding-dong 2-1 victory over a rampant JDM side which included a missed penalty. This was an excellent team performance, with everyone contributing. Some fine work in midfield from Koichi and Sami, and goals from James and Brian clinched the win. There are plenty of promising players in the junior ranks who look set to make their mark in years to come.