The reputation of the Timbralls as one of Eton's most musical houses was once again burnished at the Michaelmas house concert. More boys than ever contributed stylish jazz and rock numbers, adding extra pep (and pop) Â to the classical mix.Â
In the end, with the score 3-0 to WING at half-time, it all came down to the team-talks. While Josh C gave his troops the full inspirational Mourinho, AGDF's housemaster made a few pithy commts about tactics. The effect was swift and decisive. At 3-3, the game went to penalties and -- thanks to some great saves from Luke F -- we just edged an exciting but largely undeserved victory. Password = AGDF's house with an initial capital and a 3 in place of the final vowel.Â
Junior Ties football: the first round
It is fair to say that PEPW had much the better of this encounter. Nevertheless, our spirited WING players harried the opposition with tireless élan, defended with considerable pluck and were rewarded with a well-deserved wonder goal from James L in the dying seconds.
Please contact WING or M'Dame for password.