Not every house has a concert; WING has two each year, on top of various other musical and theatrical offerings. Once again Upper School resounded to the playing and singing of The Timbralls' many talented musicians, with an added emphasis this year upon jazz and rock. Click on image for full gallery.
Junior Ties first round
It is fair to say that PEPW had much the better of this encounter. Nevertheless, our spirited WING players harried the opposition with tireless élan, defended with considerable pluck and were rewarded with a well-deserved wonder goal from James L in the dying seconds.Please contact WING or M'Dame for password.
Images of the boys in their school dress - both enjoying lunch at The Timbralls, and lining up for the installation of the new Provost in School Yard.
A few early matches have given the boys a chance to discover their own and each other's abilities, and to begin to foster a sense of resilient team spirit. It would be wrong to say that we have been triumphant, but the boys are learning and improving all the time.
While this image shows the whcle school gathering in School Yard for the Provost's Installation, our new F-blockers had previously gathered in the house garden for photos on their very first morning at Eton.